II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
America today is in trouble. Our country has shifted to a vile immoral country. America today has lost touch with the God of their forefathers and continues to spiral downwardly as a nation. I am doing this out of love and compassion for God's people and the country we live in. This is not to anybody or any group specifically, but a warning to your heart and mine. This verse is a promise God gave us, that he will keep, but there are conditions we must meet in this promise.
If my people.You know the trouble with America today is not the unsaved. Its the Christians. The Bible tells us the lost people's jobs are to be wicked, and indeed they are wicked. Its the Christians who've allowed things to be this way.
That's who God's speaking to in this verse, is God's people. We have given up our role and many things in the worlds and sat down and flat out compromised with the world, allowing our testimonies and position on this earth to be watered down.
If my people.We are the ones who didn't stand up for ourselves and allowed prayer and God to be taken out of the schools. We are the ones who have allowed this theory of evolution to be brought into our schools. This is where they teach the kids to doubt the Bible before they are even taught it. They are being taught that they started out as the slime of the earth, but are getting better. hat man developed his own rules and they have deemed it right in their eye's to do as they wish, and they are doing just that.
We have given over the government. You know all those who signed the Declaration of Independence, all but two people who signed it was active in their churches. Now a days we can't even get any of our government officials to get to church, much less listen to a church leader. This idea of separation of church and state, was indeed so there would be no church states, nor state churches. Not that anyone who's a Christian can't serve in government. We just turned over the government to the world, and watch as they usher in evolution in our schools, and support abortion, the killing of innocent babies.
We have turned over our court rooms to the world as well. You know before the civil war, you could not be a lawyer without studying the Bible. The reasoning was who could defend the law, without knowing the law giver? Now look at them. We have allowed them to continue to believe that man makes the laws, and man will defend the laws, and they will determine what is right and what is wrong, not God Almighty.
Psalms 144:15 Happy is that people, that is in such case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord.
We are part of the problem, but we are also part of the solution, as part of the promise God made to us. We must decide that we are God's people and we will not allow nor tolerate our country's downfall to Satan.
If my people, Which are called by My NameMany people have forgotten that God called us out. He was searching for us before we was looking for Him. Christians, or so called Christians forget that we are representing Christ and God. When people see us, they are to see ambassadors for Christ. The word Christian means Christ-like.
But as a whole, when the world see's the word Christian, what do they see. Enough for them to scoff at us. You don't know how many times, that I've stated I was a Christian, that people would immediately start questioning me on things that other denominations do.
This comes about because people are not taught correctly in the Bible and properly discipled in it. They don't learn to read the Bible for them selves and hide it in their hearts so they will not go astray. The false teachings come from those who have not read the entire word of God, or have decided to pick and chose what they will or will not believe and this is part of our countries problem today.
Believe the Bible is the totally inspired word of God, and God has preserved it as he promises and that is has remained unchanged, as God has wanted it. But there are so called Christians out their who has declared it was their right to change the word of God, as they see fit. They have changed the meaning and came up with their own empty traditions. And they cling to their traditions and false religion like never before. They refuse to let go of those.
If my people, who are called by my name.It breaks my heart constantly, that there are so many people who are willing to serve God, but they limit themselves by not reading and learning from the Bible what God wants them to do. There are many people who have the right intentions, but are not prepared, and go out in God's name and bring a bad name to Him, and dishonor them because they don't do it with the Father's help, but instead in their own flesh.
If my people, which are called by my name Shall Humble themselvesAmerica today is a land of self pride, and we have forgotten to praise God. God has given this land, and expected this place we live in to give Him continual praise. We are a land of plenty and abundance, but we never given Him the thanks he so richly deserves. You look beyond our boarders and see the poverty and strive, and listen to us complain because we don't have enough.
We have plenty here, yet we are unsatisfied. Because we have put our treasures in the material things, and not put our treasure in heaven, where they will account to something. The problem with America, is we consider our not a needy people, thus we don't need God. And God hates pride, and until we do away with our pride, God will not heal our land. And that's not the world, who its commanded to humble ourselves in this verse. Its us Christians. We need to humble ourselves, and give God the praise he deserves for this great nation He has provided for us.
Now I know this may come as a surprise to some of you, but yes, Texans do sometimes have a pride problem. One Texas farmer was talking with another farmer from Oklahoma, "How big is your farm?" asked the Texan. "oh its big, "claimed the Sooner, "better then a thousand acres." Not to be outdone, the Texan replied, "Let me tell you what. I can get into my pickup at sunup, head west, and by sundown I'm still on my land." The Oklahoman thought for a moment and smiled. "you know, I had a pickup like that once!" WE all need to be humbled. Boastful pride and a self-sufficient attitude that ignores God will undermine our faith in His Word and thwart His blessing.
Everyone who is a Christian needs to humble themselves and do things God's way, not our way. America as a country, have come to the point of belief that we know more then God, and we can get it done without God. We look at ourselves and out past, and boat, what a good job we did. We didn't need God, we did it ourselves without realizing that God did all of it, and we was just allowed to be present when it did happen.
Reminds me of a story on pride. A frog was wondering how he could get away from the cold winter clime. Some wild geese suggested that he migrate with them. The problem, though, was that the frog couldn't fly. "Just leave it to me, " said the frog, "I've got a splendid brain." He thought about it and then asked two geese to help him by picking up a strong reed, each holding one end. The frog planned to hold on to the reed with his mouth. In due time the geese and the frog started on their journey. Soon they were passing over a small town, and the villagers came out to see the unusual sight. Someone cried out, "who could have come up with such a clever idea?" This made the frog so puffed up with a sense of importance that he exclaimed, "I did it." His pride was his undoing, for the moment he opened his mouth, he lost his hold and fell to his death.
Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
Before God will heal our land, we must remember our place in this world, and who's in charge. And it ain't us.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, And prayPrayer is our biggest tool, God gave us. Its our direct line of communication to God. But we don't us it enough. The Bible says we have not, because we ask not. Pray without a doubt is something everyone can do and it does make a difference. But all of our prayer lives are something to be desired.
But you might be surprised how many people don't know how to pray. What is this prayer. Prayer is talking to God. As Shaun described it, "prayer is us getting our minds and hearts in line with the Will of God, so when it comes to pass, we receive the blessing of it, saying I prayed for that." To often people pray amist, and not for the glory of God.
One morning at the breakfast table a father asked God's blessing on the food as usual. In pious and exalting language he thanked the Lord for all His bountiful provisions. But when he started eating, grumbling about the poor quality of the food and complained about the way it was cooked. His teenager interrupted him. "Dad," she began, "Do you think God heard your prayer?" "Certainly," he replied confidently "And did He also hear you when you complained about the coffee and bacon just now?" she asked. "Why, of course!" he bellowed. "Then which of your statements did God believe?"
When we pray, do we just say some words, or do we actually ask and wait for an answer? In public prayer, are we just trying to impress someone else, or are we trying to talk to God? Do we pray like we believe God can and will answer our request?
Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Our country fails around us, but we don't use our biggest tool we have. If we are really concerned for our country, we would be willing to pray for it. I think everyone in here would claim to love America. But As much as we love America, are you concerned to spend one night in prayer for America? Are you saying that you don't love America enough to take that time to humble ourselves and pray to God to heal this land?
When God was going to destroy Sodom Abraham had enough concern for those people to beg God not to.
Genesis 18:27 And Abraham answered and said Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which I am nothing but dust and ashes.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my faceOut of all these things God had asked us to do, if we wanted Him to heal our land, this is the one, that Americans are most unwilling to do. Seek God's face? Why? It like a dog chasing a car, what happened when the dog catches the car?
Usually its going to require us doing something for God. My heart is to encourage people to do more for God, but I have learned something. You can not encourage them to do anything, they are not willing to do. Most people are unwilling to do anything for God. And when you seek God, and He answers, its usually go and do something. Because of this, most Americans are unwilling to seek God.
It puzzles me how our country, which boast of its great work ethic, and workaholics reigns supreme, how they are willing to work for themselves and refuse to do anything for God. We'll I would like to and its a noble idea, but I'm too busy. Can't fit God on my schedule. But yet we still want to ask God for things and expect him to do something.
Parents, you might understand this analogy. What would you do and feel like if you told your kids to say, oh, clean up their room. Simple request and not too much to ask. But they soon come up to you and ask for some money. You ask why, and its to go to the mall or the movies. Well is your room clean? I don't have time now, but I'll get to it as soon as I can fit it in my schedule. How do you feel then about giving them money to go out? How far off am I to what we do to God?
This is also the main cause of our country becoming what it is. People not doing what God wants us too. If more people seeked God, when our country was getting rid of prayer in school, would we have gotten rid of it? If more people had sought God how bad would our country be?
John 14:21 "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him."
God said He will heal our land, IF we seek his face. And then he'll let us know what we can do, to help our country. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not asking everyone to become preachers and missionaries. God will call those people out. But God does have something for everyone to do. Everyone can learn how to witness to people. Everyone can find something to do for their church. Everyone can find something to do to life the pastors hands and his burden. Everyone can dive into their Bibles and leaner something. God will direct you in what place He wants you out and He will use you from there. If we love our country, we will seek out God's face, and see what He has for us to do. But that's up to you. If you would rather wait to work, I'm sure persecution will be coming to America soon enough. Would you rather work for God then, under those conditions, or try to prevent that from coming and work now. Seek God's face.
If my people, which are called bu my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked waysAmerica as we know it has always been proud of her freedom. And we are discovering a new freedom as of late. And that's the freedom to flaunt ones sins openly. Oh many talk shows do we have now. "What happens when two women love the same man, and that man is ugly, on the Next..." All kinds of filth on our TV and our lives. I know that in my young years, I'm seeing things I thought I would never see. I can't imagine the thoughts of the elder saints here tonight. I'm sure ya'll have definitely seen things in here you never thought we would come to.
And it goes full circle.
People have decided they have the right to determine what is right and what is wrong. So we have people choosing to kill their babies. We have people who are openly coming our with their lifestyles, and flaunting their evil ways. We had a president who was suppose to be the leader in who to run a home in our country, commit adultery and our country didn't do anything about it but make a joke. You think he turned away from his actions...no.
But as I said earlier, the wicked are doing what they are supposed to be doing. And that's being wicked. But also as I stated earlier, its the Christians who are to blame. WE have successful blended in with the world. That's not supposed to be the case. WE are suppose to be the light of the world and stand out. When people stand next to us, they are to see our lives as white as snow, and God should be able to convict them.
But when the world looks at the average professing Christian out there, they only see them going to church, then back in the world immediately as soon as they hit those doors. We have allowed ourselves to be so tolerant of the sin around us, we don't even notice it any more. We even have gone so far, as to harass those who are living a good live and telling them to make it they got to dip closer to the world. Heaven forbid! We are commanded, that God hates sin and we are to hate sin too, and have compassion on the sinner. How is America going to realize its doing something wrong, if God's people aren't saying or living like there is something wrong?
II Corinthians 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
We need to turn away from our sins. We need to make sure that when people see us, they an image of Christ. I know we are not perfect, but we are to hate sin and try to get away from it. We need to let go of the sins that's holding us as slaves, and let America take notice that there is something different about the Children of God. Especially if we want America healed.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their landThis promise was a simple, if you, then I will, statement. If we love America and truly want it to become better once again, then we must follow these conditions for God's promise to fall. If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and, forgive theirs sins, and heal their land.
That's cut and dry. God said he will here us in Heaven, forgive America and heal our land. But we must meet our end of the bargain. Otherwise the result might be like it was in Jeremiahs day.
Lets look at the possible result:
Jeremiah 6: 15-16 (15) "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the Lord.
(16) Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."
That looks like a close picture of America today. They have no shame in anything they do today. But the Lord has told us to walk in the old ways, walk the old paths and stay within them, then we shall find rest. But that's up to us, weather we walk according to the Bible, or if we can give up in America and continue the path of distruction America is heading for, and taking us with her.
Preacher's note: This message was delivered in several different places and one of my favorite messages, God has allowed me to preach. Unfortunately this message is not as powerful in written form as preached. This is one to look forward to in real audio or some sort media soon.