In my preacher's mind I see a meeting going on. Only problem is, I can't tell you when this meeting took place. (Somewhere on the other side of the purple curtains of eternity) Why? Because it took place before "when" ever was. I can't tell you where this meeting was being held. Why? Because this meeting took place before "where" was given a place to be. This meeting took place before "when" was ever given time to keep, or before "where" was ever assigned an identifiable location from which to exist. I don't know when the meeting took place, and I can't even tell you where this meeting happened. Oh, but I do know Who was at the meeting. God was there. He was there in His tri-unity. What you talking about preacher? He was there in the person of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God was having a meeting with Himself. If you don't believe me you ought to turn your Bible to Genesis 1:26 where He said, "Let us make man I our image, after our likeness."
In my preacher's mind this is how I hear the meeting going. God the Father, Who is the supreme architect and creator of the universe says, "Let us make man." God the Holy Spirit, Who knows all and sees all says, "If you make man, he's gonna sin." But Jesus, Who is the Savoir of us, all steps forward and says, "If man sins, I will go down and redeem man from his sins."
And so it was agreed that as a part of bringing man into the world he would need to be redeemed and saved from his sins. So as the Son prepared to go down through 40 and 2 generations in order to redeem sinful man the Holy Spirit told Him when you get there you better show man some signs if you expect him to believe on your wonderful and holy name. The Holy Spirit said: "When you get there you better perform some signs, so they can know just Who you are.
When you turn water into wine, show them your mastery over quality and that salvation is by your Word.
When you heal the nobleman's son, show them your mastery over time and distance and that salvation is by grace.
When you heal the paralytic, show them your mastery over long- term infirmity and that salvation is available to all.
When you feed the 5000, show them your mastery over quantity and that salvation brings satisfaction.
When you still the raging storm, show them your power over nature and that salvation brings peace.
When you heal the blind man, show them your power over darkness and that salvation brings light.
When you raise Lazarus from the grave, show them your power over death and that salvation brings life.
Use all of these signs to reveal your deity, that you truly are the Son of God. Use these signs so that they might believe and have eternal life through your name."
My brothers and my sisters, the Good News of Miracles is that they have significance for us even today.
You don't have talk about the miracles that Jesus performed 2000 years ago; tell unbelievers about the miracles that the Lord has performed in your life. Tell unbelievers, “Jesus________”. (You Fill In The Blank!)
In my preacher's mind this is how I hear the meeting going. God the Father, Who is the supreme architect and creator of the universe says, "Let us make man." God the Holy Spirit, Who knows all and sees all says, "If you make man, he's gonna sin." But Jesus, Who is the Savoir of us, all steps forward and says, "If man sins, I will go down and redeem man from his sins."
And so it was agreed that as a part of bringing man into the world he would need to be redeemed and saved from his sins. So as the Son prepared to go down through 40 and 2 generations in order to redeem sinful man the Holy Spirit told Him when you get there you better show man some signs if you expect him to believe on your wonderful and holy name. The Holy Spirit said: "When you get there you better perform some signs, so they can know just Who you are.
When you turn water into wine, show them your mastery over quality and that salvation is by your Word.
When you heal the nobleman's son, show them your mastery over time and distance and that salvation is by grace.
When you heal the paralytic, show them your mastery over long- term infirmity and that salvation is available to all.
When you feed the 5000, show them your mastery over quantity and that salvation brings satisfaction.
When you still the raging storm, show them your power over nature and that salvation brings peace.
When you heal the blind man, show them your power over darkness and that salvation brings light.
When you raise Lazarus from the grave, show them your power over death and that salvation brings life.
Use all of these signs to reveal your deity, that you truly are the Son of God. Use these signs so that they might believe and have eternal life through your name."
My brothers and my sisters, the Good News of Miracles is that they have significance for us even today.
You don't have talk about the miracles that Jesus performed 2000 years ago; tell unbelievers about the miracles that the Lord has performed in your life. Tell unbelievers, “Jesus________”. (You Fill In The Blank!)
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