I’ll never forget that night, way back in 1970 when my brother Ernest (aka - Boinest) was sixteen, my sisters Leticia (aka -Letty), Alicia (aka - Leets) Olga (aka -Tati) were twelve, five and four and the most popular one of all, the middle child, baby boy, family clown, pop’s favorite to beat and simply mom’s favorite to love, the one and only… me, Andres (aka – Andy, Andresito to mom and Elder Dre to the rest of the world) was eight. Our dear sweet mother (bless her soul) excitedly corralled us all together to witness an awesomely talented ten year old on the Ed Sullivan Show whom we all fell in love with.
His name was Michael Jackson. I’ll never forget that night that Michael came into our lives. I just pray that you were ready to die in order that you would meet our savior, Jesus Christ. I say that wholeheartedly and with a heart full of hope and love because those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values—money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. Now I know what Paul meant when he said in Philipians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". To live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Brother Paul’s whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Thus Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face.
His name was Michael Jackson. I’ll never forget that night that Michael came into our lives. I just pray that you were ready to die in order that you would meet our savior, Jesus Christ. I say that wholeheartedly and with a heart full of hope and love because those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values—money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. Now I know what Paul meant when he said in Philipians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". To live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Brother Paul’s whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Thus Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you’re not ready to die, then you’re not ready to live. Make certain of your eternal destiny; then you will be free to serve, devoting your life to what really counts, without fear of death.
Michael, you will surely be missed.
I love you man.
Michael, you will surely be missed.
I love you man.
And always will.
Bless your soul.
Rest in peace my friend.
Rest in peace my friend.
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