Are these nine lies the only lies women tell themselves? Let's take a close look at them.
Lie #1: A Christian man must be God’s best choice of a mate for me.
First of all, just because a man calls himself a Christian doesn’t mean a thing about his spiritual condition. Hitler probably professed to be a nice guy. What really shows a man’s faith is action—not trying to get you into bed until you are both wearing a ring; initiating his own personal relationship with God and encouraging yours as well; and especially holding his feelings back in the relationship to allow God to lead. God’s choice of a mate for you is going to be a godly man, and if you listen, God will tell you through an active prayer life and the counsel of other godly influences whether this is the one He has picked out for you.
Lie #2: If it feels right, it is right.
Feelings are unreliable. Don’t trust them, especially when it comes to spiritual matters. Feelings change day by day, and they can lie to you. Women who rely on them to make important decisions are going to be extremely disappointed, making one mistake after another. The decision must be made objectively and prayerfully. Sexual sin in the relationship will cloud objectivity and good judgment.
Lie #3: I can overlook a few character problems (a.k.a. red flags)—no one is perfect.
If a man has glaring character defects, it is likely that he is not teachable. Teach-ability is the number one character trait you should look for in a potential mate. I am not talking about normal struggles or mistakes, but habit pattern sins or dysfunctions that control their lives and that they are not open and contrite about. If a man is teachable, he will humbly listen to God and to his future wife when making decisions. He will be willing to work at his future marriage.
Lie #4: I really know him after spending so much time talking to him.
Phone and heart-to-heart conversations are no substitute for real life situations. He can tell you anything you want to hear while hiding behind a phone. But get him with his family, or behind a rude driver, or at a restaurant getting poor service, and then you begin to see what kind of a person he really is. A wise woman will wait it out awhile to observe his responses in every possible difficult and awkward situation.
Lie #5: He always tells me the truth.
If you think that then you don’t know most men in this world. Most men are very good at telling women what they want to hear in order to get what they want—sex. Pressure for sex from a “Christian man” should be the number one indicator of a dishonest man with underlying bad intentions and hidden motives.
Lie #6: Coincidences are a sign from God.
Satan, the master liar and counterfeiter, is cooking up coincidences to get you off track, so beware! He doesn’t want you to wait for God’s best. He wants to handicap your services for the Kingdom by getting you to settle for a miserable and empty marriage. Ask for godly counsel from objective bystanders, pray hard, and stay intent upon God’s will and not your own.
Lie #7: It’s normal for him to pressure me for sex. That’s just how men are.
True godly men live to please God and not their own selfish desires. They honor women as the treasure they are, treating them with absolute purity as Jesus would have done. They care more about the purity of their Christian sisters than a quick thrill for the moment. Sex before marriage is a sin and if a guy is pressuring, he doesn’t care about what God thinks and he doesn’t care about you either.
Lie #8: There are many quality romantic perfect men out there, just like in the movies.
Women have so filled their minds (and hearts) with Hollywood ideals about men, two tragedies have resulted. First, no man could ever live up to that fictitious standard so they are unfairly compared and criticized. Secondly, a woman in the beginning stages of a relationship can tend to fill in missing information about a man with imagined ideals before she even knows him. She ends up “falling in love” with an idea, not a person. When the man begins to show signs of human weakness, she is disappointed but holds onto the relationship hoping the man she first imagined will return. The few real quality men out there are the ones who are living to please God. You will need God’s help to find them.
Lie #9: When I find a man and get married, I will finally feel happy and complete.
If that’s true, why are so many women getting divorced (or wishing they were)? Why do Hollywood stars ditch beauties for someone else? The truth is, you will only feel happy and complete when you let God be your first love. No man—especially one who is not God’s best for you—will even come close. When the excitement wears off (and it will), you will feel more alone than when you were single. By telling yourself the truth, you have every chance to find the very best man that God wants to give you.
My dear sisters in Christ, there is no such thing as only nine lies women tell themselves, there’s many, many more and with God on your side, they can all be revealed. Many of my dear sisters in Christ out there throughout the world are victims of lies that have caused them to have low self esteem and suffer from it so much so that some sadly induce sleep (suicide).
My dear sisters, WAKE UP!
Listen to me and listen closely.
You are a child of a God who does not lie or make mistakes; therefore you are more than good enough, you were never Worthless or a Failure, you can forgive yourself as well as the Person Who Hurt You. You can help yourself because God has never stopped loving you. Girl, with God, life is never hopeless or worthless. God was not punishing you, you were doing that to yourself by believing the devils lies about your self worth. The devils ultimate goal is to steal, kill and destroy your testimony, your life and your faith in God. The devil is the father of all lies and liars and he attacks with relentless pursuit until you resist him, then and only then, he will flee. Many of my dear sisters in Christ are even going as far as believing the lie that they are not good enough to be a Christians. Be and stay encouraged and fall deeply in love with the best man life offers. His name is Jesus. He will never let you down. As a matter of fact he may even find Mr. Right for you if only you would ask him. Trust me, He’s never failed. Amen.
Giving honor to my dear sister in Christ who is an inspirational Christian speaker, writer, and author, Julie Ferwerda. The “Nine Lies Women Tell Themselves About Men” was written by her along with many, many more wonderful and inspirational writings.
Thank you sister Julie Ferwerda, for being such a blessing.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009

I’ll never forget that night, way back in 1970 when my brother Ernest (aka - Boinest) was sixteen, my sisters Leticia (aka -Letty), Alicia (aka - Leets) Olga (aka -Tati) were twelve, five and four and the most popular one of all, the middle child, baby boy, family clown, pop’s favorite to beat and simply mom’s favorite to love, the one and only… me, Andres (aka – Andy, Andresito to mom and Elder Dre to the rest of the world) was eight. Our dear sweet mother (bless her soul) excitedly corralled us all together to witness an awesomely talented ten year old on the Ed Sullivan Show whom we all fell in love with.
His name was Michael Jackson. I’ll never forget that night that Michael came into our lives. I just pray that you were ready to die in order that you would meet our savior, Jesus Christ. I say that wholeheartedly and with a heart full of hope and love because those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values—money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. Now I know what Paul meant when he said in Philipians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". To live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Brother Paul’s whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Thus Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face.
His name was Michael Jackson. I’ll never forget that night that Michael came into our lives. I just pray that you were ready to die in order that you would meet our savior, Jesus Christ. I say that wholeheartedly and with a heart full of hope and love because those who don’t believe in God, life on earth is all there is, and so it is natural for them to strive for this world’s values—money, popularity, power, pleasure, and prestige. Now I know what Paul meant when he said in Philipians 1:21, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain". To live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal perspective. Brother Paul’s whole purpose in life was to speak out boldly for Christ and to become more like him. Thus Paul could confidently say that dying would be even better than living, because in death he would be removed from worldly troubles, and he would see Christ face to face.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you’re not ready to die, then you’re not ready to live. Make certain of your eternal destiny; then you will be free to serve, devoting your life to what really counts, without fear of death.
Michael, you will surely be missed.
I love you man.
Michael, you will surely be missed.
I love you man.
And always will.
Bless your soul.
Rest in peace my friend.
Rest in peace my friend.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Who Is The Holy Ghost
He is a member of the Trinity: Matt 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:13-14, John 15:26-27, Mark 1:9-12
He speaks as a person: Acts 13:2, John 16:13
He searches: 1 Corinthians 2:10-11
He reveals: John 16:15
He decides and distributes: 1 Corinthians 12:10-11
He abides with us: John 14:15-17
He guides & foretells: John 16:13
He sanctifies: 1 Peter 1:2
He teaches: Luke 12:12
He convicts: John 16:7-8
He seals: Eph 4:30
He quickens, gives life: John 6:63
He empowers to witness: Acts 1:8
He leads: Rom 8:14
He bears witness: Rom 8:16-17
He intercedes: Rom 8:26
He bears fruit: Gal 5:22-23
He liberates: 2 Corinthians 3:17
He glorifies Jesus: John 16:14
He groans: John 11:33
He has joy: Luke 10:21
He comforts: Acts 9:31
He translates: Acts 8:39-40
He conceives: Matt 1:20
He descends: Matt 3:16
He speaks through you: Matt 10:20
He speaks to you: Acts 8:29
He casts out spirits: Matt 12:28-29
He compels: Mark 1:12
He is a river of living water: John 7:38-39
He gives the ability to speak in tongues: Acts 2:3-4
He lives within you: 1 Corinthians 3:16
He gives special abilities: 1 Cor 12:1
He is received through faith: Gal 3:14
He is our guarantee: Eph 1:14
He inspires: Mark 12:36
He gives strength for extraordinary tasks: Judges 3:10
He helps us speak for Christ: Matthew 10:19-20; Luke 12:11-12
He can’t be taken away: Matthew 10:29-31
He can give you change of heart: Matthew 12:34-36; John 3:8
He may test us: Luke 4:1
His presence in us ushers in God’s kingdom: Luke 4:43
He makes our reform last: Luke 11:24-26
He helps us understand the Bible: Luke 24:45
He helps us worship: John 4:21-24
He urges us toward salvation: John 6:44
He promised by Jesus: John 7:37
He helped disciples remember Jesus: John 14:26
He brings deep and lasting peace: John 14:27
His role and work in believers’ lives: Acts 1:5
He is available to everyone: Acts 2:16-21
He doesn’t make us immune to temptation: Acts 5:3
He guides us away from wrong places: Acts 16:7-9
He increases opportunities for witnessing: Acts 22:30
He gives us power to live Christian life: Romans 8:2
He helps us pray: Romans 8:26-27
He has placed eternity in us now: 2 Corinthians 5:5
He makes us new creations: 2 Corinthians 5:17
He at times settles us down rather than stirs us up: Galatians 3:5
He produces fruit in us: Galatians 5:22-23
He is our guarantee that God will keep his promises: Ephes. 1:13-14
He brings unity to believers: Ephes. 4:3
He carries out God’s work in us: Phil. 1:6
He is transforming power: 1 Thes. 1:5
He helps us discern false teaching: 1 John 2:18-23
He speaks as a person: Acts 13:2, John 16:13
He searches: 1 Corinthians 2:10-11
He reveals: John 16:15
He decides and distributes: 1 Corinthians 12:10-11
He abides with us: John 14:15-17
He guides & foretells: John 16:13
He sanctifies: 1 Peter 1:2
He teaches: Luke 12:12
He convicts: John 16:7-8
He seals: Eph 4:30
He quickens, gives life: John 6:63
He empowers to witness: Acts 1:8
He leads: Rom 8:14
He bears witness: Rom 8:16-17
He intercedes: Rom 8:26
He bears fruit: Gal 5:22-23
He liberates: 2 Corinthians 3:17
He glorifies Jesus: John 16:14
He groans: John 11:33
He has joy: Luke 10:21
He comforts: Acts 9:31
He translates: Acts 8:39-40
He conceives: Matt 1:20
He descends: Matt 3:16
He speaks through you: Matt 10:20
He speaks to you: Acts 8:29
He casts out spirits: Matt 12:28-29
He compels: Mark 1:12
He is a river of living water: John 7:38-39
He gives the ability to speak in tongues: Acts 2:3-4
He lives within you: 1 Corinthians 3:16
He gives special abilities: 1 Cor 12:1
He is received through faith: Gal 3:14
He is our guarantee: Eph 1:14
He inspires: Mark 12:36
He gives strength for extraordinary tasks: Judges 3:10
He helps us speak for Christ: Matthew 10:19-20; Luke 12:11-12
He can’t be taken away: Matthew 10:29-31
He can give you change of heart: Matthew 12:34-36; John 3:8
He may test us: Luke 4:1
His presence in us ushers in God’s kingdom: Luke 4:43
He makes our reform last: Luke 11:24-26
He helps us understand the Bible: Luke 24:45
He helps us worship: John 4:21-24
He urges us toward salvation: John 6:44
He promised by Jesus: John 7:37
He helped disciples remember Jesus: John 14:26
He brings deep and lasting peace: John 14:27
His role and work in believers’ lives: Acts 1:5
He is available to everyone: Acts 2:16-21
He doesn’t make us immune to temptation: Acts 5:3
He guides us away from wrong places: Acts 16:7-9
He increases opportunities for witnessing: Acts 22:30
He gives us power to live Christian life: Romans 8:2
He helps us pray: Romans 8:26-27
He has placed eternity in us now: 2 Corinthians 5:5
He makes us new creations: 2 Corinthians 5:17
He at times settles us down rather than stirs us up: Galatians 3:5
He produces fruit in us: Galatians 5:22-23
He is our guarantee that God will keep his promises: Ephes. 1:13-14
He brings unity to believers: Ephes. 4:3
He carries out God’s work in us: Phil. 1:6
He is transforming power: 1 Thes. 1:5
He helps us discern false teaching: 1 John 2:18-23
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fathers seldom say "I love you"
Though the feeling's always there,
But somehow those three little words
Are the hardest ones to share.
And fathers say "I love you"
In ways that words can't match -
With tender bedtime stories -
Or a friendly game of catch!
You can see the words "I love you"
In a father's boyish eyes
When he runs home, all excited,
With a poorly wrapped surprise.
A father says "I love you"
With his strong helping hands -
With a smile when you're in trouble
With the way he understands.
He speaks his love unselfishly
By giving all he can
To make some secret dream come true,
Or follow through a plan.
A father's seldom-spoken love
Sounds clearly through the years -
Sometimes in peals of laughter,
Sometimes through happy tears.
Perhaps they have to speak their love
In a fashion all their own.
Because the love that fathers feel
Is too big for words alone!
Happy Father's Day!
Though the feeling's always there,
But somehow those three little words
Are the hardest ones to share.
And fathers say "I love you"
In ways that words can't match -
With tender bedtime stories -
Or a friendly game of catch!
You can see the words "I love you"
In a father's boyish eyes
When he runs home, all excited,
With a poorly wrapped surprise.
A father says "I love you"
With his strong helping hands -
With a smile when you're in trouble
With the way he understands.
He speaks his love unselfishly
By giving all he can
To make some secret dream come true,
Or follow through a plan.
A father's seldom-spoken love
Sounds clearly through the years -
Sometimes in peals of laughter,
Sometimes through happy tears.
Perhaps they have to speak their love
In a fashion all their own.
Because the love that fathers feel
Is too big for words alone!
Happy Father's Day!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, God is truly our all in all. I say that because everything and anything we should ever need comes from our Maker, and that’s non other than the Mighty God we serve. There are so many metaphors that are used to describe who God is to us but one of my favorites is God as “The Potter”. I say that because in actuality, only a certain potter knows what he’s creating, why he creates it and his finished work is not complete until he can see himself in his creation.
Doesn’t that sound so much like our Heavenly Father, our Spiritual Potter? I do indeed. Let us now go into the Word of God together, break bread and breakdown this Awesomely, Divine Potter. So kick off your shoes, sit back, relax and get yourselves ready for a glorious ride into the mind of a willing vessel created by the Hands of a Potter unlike any other Who took this clay named it Andres and called him, a preacher.
Now, the Word of God says, “We are the clay, and thou are Potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8b and it also says, “Hath not the potter power over the clay,” Romans 9:21a. And with that said we can clearly see that according to the usual method of scripture metaphors, we find the Lord God set forth under the metaphorical notion of a Potter, which I shall now illustrated in the ensuing parallel and to further give God the total glory He deserves, I will followed those metaphors and parallels with an illustration of metaphors but this time instead of using parallels, I will use disparities of an earthly potter versus our Heavenly Potter. Amen.
A Potter is an artificer, an artisan or workman, one skilful to work in earth, or to form and make pots, and other vessels of clay. This tells me that God is the Maker of all men and things that ever were, or shall be.
A Potter prepares his clay or matter first, of which he intends to make his vessels; and when he hath made it fit, and ready for the wheel, he goes to work. This tells me that God created or prepared the earth, the clay, before He formed man, and out of it was He made: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, “ Genesis 2:7
A Potter projects before-hand, what kind of vessel he will make of such clay; he hath the form and fashion of it in his mind, before he goes to work; nay, (and it may be) makes known what a vessel he will make. This tells me that “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18. He contrived in His eternal counsel, what kind of creature He would make man; nay, at the time of his formation, He declared what a rare vessel he should be: “And God said, Let Us make man in our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26
A Potter makes vessels of divers sorts and sizes, and for several uses; some are for more honorable and noble services than others. This tells me that God makes vessels of divers sorts and sizes; all men are not of the like stature and beauty in their first formation; neither are they so, as they are made or formed anew in Christ Jesus; for some vessels are designed by the great Potter to contain the golden oil, and soul-enriching treasure, for the emptying of them unto others.
A Potter takes great care of the vessels he hath made, and bestowed his labour and pains upon, that they may not be broken; for they are brittle ware, and he is greatly offended with such as strive to dash them to pieces. This tells me that God takes great care of those pots or vessels He hath made, nay, twice made, or formed for Himself: he gives a charge concerning them, and rebukes kings for their sakes; “Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” 1 Chronicles 16:22. The devil and wicked men shall one day go to wreck, for that violence offered to those curious vessels that God hath prepared to glory: “But he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.” Galatians 5:10.
Now here comes the fun part. Here’s where we breakdown metaphors the world of unbelievers would use in order to diminish the uniqueness of our Heavenly Potter and further discourage those who love God dearly, to them who are the called according to His purpose. I know… I just quoted Romans 8:28. I just love His Word and can’t help myself sometimes. Just taste and see and I promise, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.
The world may say that a Potter hath not his skill in making vessels from himself, but is taught by some other man. But they must realize that God hath his wisdom of, and from himself.
The world may say that a Potter many times wants skill in framing of some curious vessels, and not only so, but care; and by this means the vessel is marred, and spoiled in his hand. But they must realize that God is infinite in wisdom, loveth all things He goes about, and His care is accordingly; a God that is never unmindful of the work of His hands; so that if any vessel is broken, the fault is not in Him, but either in themselves, or some cursed enemy.
The world may say that a potter makes not all the vessels which are upon the wheel for his own use and profit, but for the use of others. But they must realize that God makes all things for Himself, “The LORD hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” Proverbs 16:4.
The world may say that a potter cannot make vessels, unless he hath clay or matter to make them with, or to work upon. But they must realize that God first made the clay, He created the dust of the earth, and then out of it made or framed man.
The world may say that a potter makes vessels that are very defective, as they first come off the wheel. But they must realize that God never made or framed any vessel, but as it came out of his hand it was well done, without fault or blemish: “And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
Now last but not least, let’s apply it all into our hearts, our minds and our lives in order to better understand and serve the Lord our Creator as His beloved creation. Many of us may wonder if God is truly the Potter, and man the clay. There’s nothing wrong with wondering, pondering and questioning because the moment God reveals Himself as so, His manifestation alone will teach us to lie low before the Him Who is in heaven humble us to each moment we realize what this clay is in the hands of a mighty Potter. We may conclude that we are not made for ourselves, but for some particular use. And since the glory of God was the principal thing He designed, in the making and forming of us; let us see we do not rise up against Him in a sinful way, to His dishonour. Lastly, we may know from for this reason how frail and brittle we are, sooner broken than a Potter’s vessel.
Doesn’t that sound so much like our Heavenly Father, our Spiritual Potter? I do indeed. Let us now go into the Word of God together, break bread and breakdown this Awesomely, Divine Potter. So kick off your shoes, sit back, relax and get yourselves ready for a glorious ride into the mind of a willing vessel created by the Hands of a Potter unlike any other Who took this clay named it Andres and called him, a preacher.
Now, the Word of God says, “We are the clay, and thou are Potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” Isaiah 64:8b and it also says, “Hath not the potter power over the clay,” Romans 9:21a. And with that said we can clearly see that according to the usual method of scripture metaphors, we find the Lord God set forth under the metaphorical notion of a Potter, which I shall now illustrated in the ensuing parallel and to further give God the total glory He deserves, I will followed those metaphors and parallels with an illustration of metaphors but this time instead of using parallels, I will use disparities of an earthly potter versus our Heavenly Potter. Amen.
A Potter is an artificer, an artisan or workman, one skilful to work in earth, or to form and make pots, and other vessels of clay. This tells me that God is the Maker of all men and things that ever were, or shall be.
A Potter prepares his clay or matter first, of which he intends to make his vessels; and when he hath made it fit, and ready for the wheel, he goes to work. This tells me that God created or prepared the earth, the clay, before He formed man, and out of it was He made: “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, “ Genesis 2:7
A Potter projects before-hand, what kind of vessel he will make of such clay; he hath the form and fashion of it in his mind, before he goes to work; nay, (and it may be) makes known what a vessel he will make. This tells me that “Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” Acts 15:18. He contrived in His eternal counsel, what kind of creature He would make man; nay, at the time of his formation, He declared what a rare vessel he should be: “And God said, Let Us make man in our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:26
A Potter makes vessels of divers sorts and sizes, and for several uses; some are for more honorable and noble services than others. This tells me that God makes vessels of divers sorts and sizes; all men are not of the like stature and beauty in their first formation; neither are they so, as they are made or formed anew in Christ Jesus; for some vessels are designed by the great Potter to contain the golden oil, and soul-enriching treasure, for the emptying of them unto others.
A Potter takes great care of the vessels he hath made, and bestowed his labour and pains upon, that they may not be broken; for they are brittle ware, and he is greatly offended with such as strive to dash them to pieces. This tells me that God takes great care of those pots or vessels He hath made, nay, twice made, or formed for Himself: he gives a charge concerning them, and rebukes kings for their sakes; “Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” 1 Chronicles 16:22. The devil and wicked men shall one day go to wreck, for that violence offered to those curious vessels that God hath prepared to glory: “But he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.” Galatians 5:10.
Now here comes the fun part. Here’s where we breakdown metaphors the world of unbelievers would use in order to diminish the uniqueness of our Heavenly Potter and further discourage those who love God dearly, to them who are the called according to His purpose. I know… I just quoted Romans 8:28. I just love His Word and can’t help myself sometimes. Just taste and see and I promise, you’ll understand where I’m coming from.
The world may say that a Potter hath not his skill in making vessels from himself, but is taught by some other man. But they must realize that God hath his wisdom of, and from himself.
The world may say that a Potter many times wants skill in framing of some curious vessels, and not only so, but care; and by this means the vessel is marred, and spoiled in his hand. But they must realize that God is infinite in wisdom, loveth all things He goes about, and His care is accordingly; a God that is never unmindful of the work of His hands; so that if any vessel is broken, the fault is not in Him, but either in themselves, or some cursed enemy.
The world may say that a potter makes not all the vessels which are upon the wheel for his own use and profit, but for the use of others. But they must realize that God makes all things for Himself, “The LORD hath made all things for Himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” Proverbs 16:4.
The world may say that a potter cannot make vessels, unless he hath clay or matter to make them with, or to work upon. But they must realize that God first made the clay, He created the dust of the earth, and then out of it made or framed man.
The world may say that a potter makes vessels that are very defective, as they first come off the wheel. But they must realize that God never made or framed any vessel, but as it came out of his hand it was well done, without fault or blemish: “And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
Now last but not least, let’s apply it all into our hearts, our minds and our lives in order to better understand and serve the Lord our Creator as His beloved creation. Many of us may wonder if God is truly the Potter, and man the clay. There’s nothing wrong with wondering, pondering and questioning because the moment God reveals Himself as so, His manifestation alone will teach us to lie low before the Him Who is in heaven humble us to each moment we realize what this clay is in the hands of a mighty Potter. We may conclude that we are not made for ourselves, but for some particular use. And since the glory of God was the principal thing He designed, in the making and forming of us; let us see we do not rise up against Him in a sinful way, to His dishonour. Lastly, we may know from for this reason how frail and brittle we are, sooner broken than a Potter’s vessel.
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About Me

- J.A. Vazquez
- I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody about Somebody who can save anybody. I give all honor to the Father for the privilege of being His instrument, through whom He lives and works for His glory alone. I served in the U.S. Navy for 21 years, retiring in September 2003. In my final three years, I was co-pastor at Greater New Refuge COGIC in Fallon, Nevada, under Pastor Gregory L. Brown. I supported my pastor and church by helping with a new sanctuary's construction and caring for all ministry needs while staying true to my mandate to preach the Word of God without compromise. In November 2002, I was licensed to preach and ordained in June 2003. While stationed in Virginia Beach, I served at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for 17 years under Bishop-Elect W.D. Scott, Sr., and now I serve at Calvary Revival Church in Norfolk, VA, under Bishop B. Courtney McBath. I also earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion from Saint Leo University, deepening my foundation and commitment to this path of faith.
It brings to my face a unadulterated smile each and every occasion I am asked, “Elder Dre, What Theological Training do you have?”
My heart beams with joy at the opportunity to humbly give full glory to God as I reflect on on how the prophets, patriarchs and apostles of old would have respond: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, King David, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Matthew, Mark, Peter, James, John and the other disciples, not forgetting the Saviour Himself.
How would they have answered the question: “What theological training do you have?”
The words of the prophet Amos also came to mind: “Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:” Amos 7:14
I surely am not impliedly decrying theological preparation, education or training: I consider it essential, but not as much as some think. For the fact is, the Almighty raises up believers according to His own standards.
Educational qualifications, wealth, fame, talent, social standing, outward appearance etc. are useful; but they are secondary in His sight. Qualities like faith, obedience, holiness, humility, honesty, absolute loyalty to one’s spouse, the ability to raise one’s family to fear God and keep His commandments etc.; these are the things the Most High values.
“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Only on the Day of Judgment will it be known how truly educated, weighty and effective I have been. That is why I have to smile when the question arise.
The vanity of the question is only matched by the foolishness of my answer.
As the wise man wrote: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1: 2 or as the apostle Paul commented in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 when rattling off a long list of impressive qualifications “... I speak as a fool.”
My heart beams with joy at the opportunity to humbly give full glory to God as I reflect on on how the prophets, patriarchs and apostles of old would have respond: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, King David, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Matthew, Mark, Peter, James, John and the other disciples, not forgetting the Saviour Himself.
How would they have answered the question: “What theological training do you have?”
The words of the prophet Amos also came to mind: “Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:” Amos 7:14
I surely am not impliedly decrying theological preparation, education or training: I consider it essential, but not as much as some think. For the fact is, the Almighty raises up believers according to His own standards.
Educational qualifications, wealth, fame, talent, social standing, outward appearance etc. are useful; but they are secondary in His sight. Qualities like faith, obedience, holiness, humility, honesty, absolute loyalty to one’s spouse, the ability to raise one’s family to fear God and keep His commandments etc.; these are the things the Most High values.
“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Only on the Day of Judgment will it be known how truly educated, weighty and effective I have been. That is why I have to smile when the question arise.
The vanity of the question is only matched by the foolishness of my answer.
As the wise man wrote: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1: 2 or as the apostle Paul commented in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 when rattling off a long list of impressive qualifications “... I speak as a fool.”
Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. All who proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 1 John 4:14-15 (NLT)
I am a preacher, but most of all, I proclaim that Jesus is the Savior with various applications of that truth in my everyday life. My dear friend, if you are a Christian, you are a preacher also. Whether you have been ordained or not, hired by a church or not, or ever been recognized as a preacher or not is beside the point. All who have God living in them are called to proclaim the Savior to the world. It is a Holy calling, and a demanding one. It will pull you out of your comfort zone, challenge your commitment, and help to develop you into the person God has created you to be.
John spoke as an eyewitness to Jesus' saving power. We speak as heart-witnesses; ones who have not seen Jesus with our eyes, but have experienced Him through personal transformation. I speak, and you speak, as a representative of Christ on earth. The message that we bring is simple, yet profound; that God the Father sent God the Son into the world to save those who are lost to bring them into relationship with Him. As you tell the story, and I tell the story, some will listen and receive the grace that God has sent us into the world to proclaim.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Father, what a privilege to be a spokesperson for You.