My dear brothers and sisters in Christ I pray that this test will be a blessing to you and you loved ones. It will assist you in revealing false teachers and false teachings against the Word of God as revealed in the King James Bible. A Prophet is a person who speaks from God through divine direction and a false prophet is a person who does NOT speak from God through divine direction. One "yes" answer to any of these questions proves that the teacher is a false teacher, and his instruction should be disregarded. Here are 32 Characteristics of False prophets to start the test with.
1. STRENGTHEN: Acts 15:32
2. DEFINE GOD'S WILL: Acts 13:1-3
3. PREDICT THE FUTURE: Acts 21:10,11
5. INTERPRETED BY CHRIST: Luke 24:27, 44; Isaiah 7:14; 2 Sam 7:16; Deut 18:20, 22; Deut 7:13
6. UNITED IN TESTIMONY: Acts 3:21-24
9. INSPIRED BY THE SPIRIT: 2 Pet 1:21-2:2
11. ALWAYS RELEVANT: Rev 22:10
12. MUST NOT BE CHANGED BY MAN: Rev 22:18,19
13. INSPIRATION: Micah 3:8
15. NON-FULFILLMENT: Jer 28:1-13
16. PEACEFUL MESSAGE: Jer 23:9-40
17. APOSTASY FROM GOD: Deut 13:1-5
18. LYING: Jer 23:25-40
19. SCOFFING: 2 Pet 3:3,4
20. UNCONDITIONAL: Ezek 12:25-28; Ezek 13: 1-9
22. DATED: Dan 9:24-27
23. NON-LITERAL: Matt 17:10-12
24. UNRECOGNIZED BY JEWS: Acts 13:27-29
26. OFTEN REFERRED TO: Matt 1:22,23
27. DOCTRINE: Is 8:19, 20
28. PROPHECIES: 1 Kin 13:1-32
29. LIVES: Matt 7:15-20; Matt 24:1; Matt 24:24; Act 13:6-8; Jer 6:13; 1 John 4:2; Acts 20:29-30; Ezekiel 22:28; Matt 15:16; Gal 5:18-22
30. PROPHESY PEACE: Jer 23:17
31. TEACH A LIE: Jer 28:15
32. PRETEND TO BE TRUE: Matt 7:22,23
33. TEACH CORRUPTION: 2 Pet 2:10-22
34. IN THE LAST DAYS: Matt 24:11
1. STRENGTHEN: Acts 15:32
1. Does the prophet speak secretly, without strong argument, numerous words, advice or appeal to his listeners?
2. Does the prophet fail to assure, uphold, sustain or strengthen his listeners?
2. DEFINE GOD'S WILL: Acts 13:1-3
3. Does the prophet minister for anyone other than the Lord Jesus Christ?
4. Does the prophet seem to obtain divine revelations without the necessary worship and sacrifice required by LORD GOD?
5. Does the prophet fail to acknowledge the Holy Spirit's inspiration in his revelations?
6. Does the prophet avoid the laying on of hands in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ?
7. Does the prophet fail to pray or fast?
3. PREDICT THE FUTURE: Acts 21:10,11
8. Does the prophet fail to make specific and illustrated predictions of future events?
9. Does the prophet appear to have a knowledge about all things without Jesus Christ being in the center?
5. INTERPRETED BY CHRIST: Luke 24:27, 44; Isaiah 7:14; 2 Sam 7:16; Deut 18:20, 22; Deut 7:13
10. Does the prophet believe other's revelations without study and a confirming interpretation by Christ?
11. Does the prophet speak words which are not in accordance with the law, prophets, and psalms in the Scriptures?
12. Is the prophet unable to understand Scriptures?
13. Does the prophet show a lack of knowledge concerning Jesus Christ or Scriptures?
14. Does the prophet speak incorrectly about Jesus' birth?
15. Does the prophet speak against the relationship of the Jews to the LORD GOD?
16. Does the prophet speak in the name of other gods?
17. Does the prophet's predictions NOT come true after speaking in the name of the LORD GOD?
18. Does the prophet speak presumptuously (unduly or overbearingly confident), take for granted or take liberties?
19. Does the prophet question the fulfillment of the second coming of Jesus Christ?
6. UNITED IN TESTIMONY: Acts 3:21-24
20. Does the prophet contradict the testimony of other prophets since the world began?
21. Does the prophet give credit to anyone but God for what his mouth speaks?
22. Does the prophet speak against the restitution (restoration) of all things as spoken in the Scriptures?
23. Does the prophet fail to inquire and search diligently for truth?
24. Does the prophet fail to make salvation the object of prophecy?
25. Does the prophet speak for his own uses or glory, and fail to consider the listeners?
26. Does the prophet attempt to keep all that is revealed to himself, and refuse to minister others with the new revelations?
27. Does the prophet preach the gospel on his own without the assistance of the Holy Ghost?
28. Does the prophet insist upon the strict adherence of law and righteous behavior rather than the inner spiritual intentions of the LORD GOD?
29. Does the prophet insist that the law of Moses is no longer applicable since the fulfillment of Jesus Christ?
30. Does the prophet change even "one jot or one tittle" (the most minute letter or mark) of the law?
31. Does the prophet teach man to break one or any of the least commandments of God?
9. INSPIRED BY THE SPIRIT: 2 Pet 1:21-2:2
32. Does the prophet give credit for his prophecy to anyone other than the Holy Ghost?
33. Does the prophet privately bring in damnable heresies (destructive opinion or doctrine that goes against the LORD GOD’s Word)?
34. Does the prophet experience destruction because he is deceived by his own teaching and continues to reject the way of truth?
35. Does the prophet evilly speak against the Way of Truth?
36. Does the prophet indicate that his divine revelation of the scripture is a private interpretation?
11. ALWAYS RELEVANT: Rev 22:10
37. Is the prophet's revelations of the Word of the LORD GOD not always relevant (applicable, appropriate, fitting)?
12. MUST NOT BE CHANGED BY MAN: Rev 22:18,19
38. Does the prophet add unto the Word of the LORD GOD, and include things not spoken of in Scripture?
39. Does the prophet take away from the Word of God, and exclude things spoken of in Scripture?
13. INSPIRATION: Micah 3:8
40. Does the prophet's revelation lack the power, judgment and might of the spirit of the LORD GOD?
41. Does the prophet provide revelation of former things which have come to pass, rather than new things?
15. NON-FULFILLMENT: Jer 28:1-13
42. Does the prophet's revelations fail to come to pass?
43. Does the prophet predict peace following the fulfillment of a legitimate prophet's revelations?
16. PEACEFUL MESSAGE: Jer 23:9-40
44. Is the prophet profane (characterized by irreverence or contempt for the LORD GOD or sacred principles or things, unholy, heathen, common, vulgar, blasphemous, sacrilegious, low, mean, base)?
45. Is the prophet wicked in the House of the LORD GOD?
46. Does the prophet's way seem "slippery in darkness" (tending to shift positions, fickle, shifty, unstable, insecure with a lack of knowledge or enlightenment)?
47. Has God brought disaster and evil upon the prophet?
48. Is the prophet foolish, absurd, unwise, whimsical or extravagant?
49. Does the prophet commit adultery and walk in lies?
50. Does the prophet strengthen the hands of evildoers, preventing them from turning from wickedness?
51. Does the prophet make his listeners vain (without real significance, value or importance; baseless, worthless)?
52. Does the prophet speak a vision out of his own heart, rather than from out of the mouth of the LORD GOD?
53. Does the prophet promise peace to his listeners?
54. Does the prophet tell his listeners that no evil shall come to them?
55. Does the prophet encourage his listeners to walk after the "imagination of his own heart" (do what makes you feel good)?
56. Does the prophet fail to turn the LORD GOD’s people from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings?
17. APOSTASY FROM GOD: Deut 13:1-5
57. Does the prophet present signs or wonders for the worship of other gods?
58. Does the prophet encourage his listeners to not walk after the LORD GOD, not to fear Him, not to keep his Commandments, not to obey His voice, not to serve Him, or not to cleave unto Him?
18. LYING: Jer 23:25-40
59. Does the prophet speak falsely in the LORD GOD’s name?
60. Does the prophet focus more on the act of "dreaming" rather than the Word of the LORD GOD that is intended?
61. Does the prophet lack confidence in the speaking of the LORD GOD’s Word?
62. Does the prophet steal the LORD GOD’s Words from his neighbor?
63. Does the prophet use his "own tongue" and attribute it to the LORD GOD?
64. Does the prophet use false dreams to cause the LORD GOD’s people to err by their lies?
65. Is the prophet reckless and light, unconcerned about the consequences of his action?
66. Is the prophet "burdened" (that which is borne with difficulty, obligation or trouble) by the LORD GOD’s Words or even his own words?
67. Does the prophet "pervert" (misinterpret, distort, corrupt, mislead, defile) the Words of the living LORD GOD?
68. Has God brought an "everlasting reproach" (blame) and a "perpetual shame" (disgrace) upon the prophet that will never be forgotten?
19. SCOFFING: 2 Pet 3:3,4
69. Does the prophet scoff (an expression of mockery, derision, doubt, behaving with scornful disapproval) about the last days (end times)?
70. Does the prophet encourage listeners to ignore "last days" prophesy, in favor of "stable as she goes, everything is as it always was" prophecy?
20. UNCONDITIONAL: Ezek 12:25-28; Ezek 13: 1-9
71. Does the prophet's divine revelations prolonged (take place in times far off), rather than immediate?
72. Does the prophet prophesy out of his own inspiration?
73. Does the prophet deny visions (a beneficial and meaningful event that appears vividly and credibly to the mind under the influence of the LORD)?
74. Does the prophet attempt to whitewash the severely cracked walls of his listeners, rather than filling in the gaps with the Word of God?
75. Does the prophet's vanity and lying divinations (futile and false attempts to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means) make others to hope that it would confirm God's Word?
76. Is the prophet outside the assembly of God's people?
77. Is the prophets writing deliberately excluded from the record?
78. Is the prophet denied entry into the land of Israel?
79. Does the prophet discredit other prophets who speak divine revelations in a specific event, rather than a lifetime career?
22. DATED: Dan 9:24-27
80. Does the prophet's 'divine' revelations occur outside the seventy weeks spoken in Daniel?
23. NON-LITERAL: Matt 17:10-12
81. Does the prophet stick to the strict meaning of the LORD GOD’s Word, neglecting the figurative, metaphorical or mysteries revealed?
24. UNRECOGNIZED BY JEWS: Acts 13:27-29
82. Do the Jews accept the prophecies and doctrine of Jesus Christ as explained by the prophet?
83. Does the prophet fail to use Christ to expound scripture?
84. Does the prophet oppose understanding of the scriptures among his listeners?
85. Does the prophet fail to have an understanding or acceptance of the fulfillment of all things concerning Christ which "were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets and in the psalms"?
26. OFTEN REFERRED TO: Matt 1:22,23
86. Does the prophet deny the virgin birth of our Jesus Christ?
87. Does the prophet fail to refer to the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ?
27. DOCTRINE: Is 8:19, 20
88. Does the prophet encourage his listeners to seek those with familiar spirits (well acquainted and intimate associations with the dead spirits)?
89. Does the prophet encourage his listeners to seek the whispered and muttered words of wizards (male soothsayers - persons who foretell events)?
90. Does the prophet use anything other than "the law and testimony" (LORD GOD’s Word) as the basis for interpreting a claim to divine revelation?
28. PROPHECIES: 1 Kin 13:1-32
91. Does the prophet fail to predict events in the future that only the living sovereign LORD GOD could inform?
92. Does the prophet's sign denoting a miraculous event fail to produce an effect of wonder on those who behold it?
93. Does the prophet's sign fail to use the LORD GOD’s Words in revealing the effect?
94. Does the prophet fail to accomplish what the LORD GOD has tasked him to do?
95. Is the prophet easily swayed by other prophets?
96. Does the prophet experience a sudden, violent and painful death?
29. LIVES: Matt 7:15-20; Matt 24:1; Matt 24:24; Act 13:6-8; Jer 6:13; 1 John 4:2; Acts 20:29-30; Ezekiel 22:28; Matt 15:16; Gal 5:18-22
97. Does the prophet mislead others in believing his character or intentions or beliefs are something they are not?
98. Does the prophet's work produce less than the fruits of the Holy Spirit (love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control)?
99. Does the prophet mislead many?
100. Does the prophet mislead using great signs and wonders?
101. Does the prophet try to turn listeners away from the faith?
102. Is the prophet greedy for gain, never having enough money, prosperity, prestige, people, etc.?
104. Does the prophet speak perverse things (deliberately departing from what is reasonable; stubborn; self-willed)?
105. Does the prophet have false vision (saying it's from God) and leading people into wrong doings?
106. Does the prophet have followers who's deeds are of the flesh (immortality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, wrath, disputes, dissension, heresies, envying, drunkenness, carousing)?
30. PROPHESY PEACE: Jer 23:17
107. Does the prophet speak of future peace to those who follow after the imagination of their own heart?
31. TEACH A LIE: Jer 28:15
108. Does the prophet lead others to trust in lies rather than the Word of God by making the teachings of lies more comfortable to the listeners than the truthful teachings of our LORD GOD?
109. Does the prophet teach rebellion against the LORD GOD?
32. PRETEND TO BE TRUE: Matt 7:22,23
110. Does the prophet prophesy, cast out devils and perform wonderful works in Jesus' name, without being known by Jesus?
33. TEACH CORRUPTION: 2 Pet 2:10-22
111. Does the prophet walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness (sexual promiscuity)?
112. Does the prophet hate authority?
113. Is the prophet presumptuous (impertinently bold)?
114. Is the prophet self-willed (selfish, stubborn and obstinate)?
115. Does the prophet speak evil of dignitaries (persons who hold high rank or office)?
116. Does the prophet live in a natural life, displaying characteristics of a brute beast (brutal, insensitive, crude, irrational, savage, cruel, carnal, sensual, and animal like)?
117. Does the prophet speak evil of the things that he does not understand?
118. Is the prophet perishing in his own corruption (moral perversion and depravity?
119. Does the prophet enjoy reveling (to make merry, boisterous merrymaking, to party) during the daytime?
120. Does the prophet have fun with his falsehoods?
121. Is the prophets eyes full of adultery?
122. Is the prophet unable to cease from sin?
123. Does the prophet have a beguiling (enticing) unstable soul?
124. Does the prophet exercise his heart with covetous practices (wrongful desires)?
125. Does the prophet seem to be cursed?
126. Does the prophet forsake the right way and love the wages of unrighteousness?
127. Is the prophet unable to satisfy the spiritual thirst of men?
128. Is the prophet blown about by every wind of doctrine?
129. Does the prophet speak great swelling words of vanity (emptiness)?
130. Does the prophet allure through the lusts of the flesh?
131. Does the prophet promise liberty when they themselves are the servants of corruption?
132. Is the prophet entangled in the world (natural life) and overcome by it?
133. Has the prophet turned from the holy commandment delivered unto him, and like a dog, turned to his own vomit again?
34. IN THE LAST DAYS: Matt 24:11
134. Is the prophet one of many rising the last days to deceive many?
Remember, one "yes" answer to any of these questions proves that the prophet is a false prophet, and his words should be disregarded.
Friday, April 24, 2009
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ I pray that this test will be a blessing to you and you loved ones. It will assist you in revealing false teachers and false teachings against the Word of God as revealed in the King James Bible. A teacher is a person who teaches the Word of God through divine direction and a false teacher is a person who does NOT teach the Word of God through divine direction. One "yes" answer to any of these questions proves that the teacher is a false teacher, and his instruction should be disregarded. Here are Ten Characteristics of False Teachers to start the test with.
1. Grace-preventers' Gal 1:6-8
2. Money-lovers Luke 16:14
3. Christ-deniers 2 Pet 2:1
4. Truth-resistors 2 Tim 3:8
5. Fable-lovers 2 Tim 4:3,4
6. Destitute of truth 1 Tim 6:3-5
7. Bound by traditions Matt 15:9
8. Unstable 1 Tim 1:6,7
9. Deceitful Eph 4:14
10. Lustful 2 Pet 1:12-19
1. Does the teacher say that God does not love you?
2. Does the teacher say that God's love must be paid for by money or possessions?
3. Does the teacher say that God only loves you if you are deserving?
4. Does the teacher say that God is not compassionate toward man?
5. Does the teacher accuse or ridicule our God for a lack of tolerance or patience?
6. Does the teacher say that God has chosen him to control the direction of his follower's lives?
2 MONEY-LOVERS: Luke 16:14
7. Does the teacher pay closer attention to the ministry of ritual, rather than the ministry of love and mercy?
8. Does the teacher base his teaching on or place excessive worth on money?
9. Does the teacher encourage students to be superior to others?
10. Does the teacher sneer, ridicule or condemn followers of Jesus?
3 CHRIST-DENIERS: 2Pet 2:1; 1 Tim 4:1-5; James 3:17
11. Does the teacher act secretive with his knowledge and teach that events or happenings will occur at specific times that only he knows?
12. Does the teacher deny or reject Jesus or His gift of salvation?
13. Does the teacher speak of things that are not sanctified by the Word of God or your prayers?
14. Does the teacher focus on the earthly, natural, demonic life and exclude the wisdom that comes from Christ?
15. Are the teacher's teachings impure, chaotic, harsh, unreasonable, merciless, unstable, or hypocritical?
4 TRUTH-RESISTORS: 1 Tim 6:5; 2 Tim 3:8; Ex 7:11; Rom 1:28
16. Does the teacher appear evil, depraved, unprincipled or wicked?
17. Is the teacher immoral or cause his followers to be immoral?
18. Is the teacher rejected by God and beyond salvation?
19. Does the teacher use trickery, sorcery, magic or enchantment to sway his students?
20. Does the teacher challenge God to prove his authority and power?
21. Does the teacher lead his students into mental error or false judgment?
5 FABLE-LOVERS: 2 Tim 4:3, 4; 1 Tim 1:4
22. Does the teacher speculate rather than confirm?
23. Does the teacher focus on genealogies by tracing family descent?
24. Does the teacher's teachings involve supernatural or imaginary persons embodying popular ideas on natural or social phenomenon?
25. Does the teacher instruct on widely held, but false notions?
26. Does the teacher "tickle the ears" by telling his students what they want to hear?
27. Does the teacher use popular media, special effects or flair to entertain rather than teach the gospel?
28. Does the teacher use music, TV, movies or computers to snare his students?
29. Does the teacher distort the truth by disagreeing with a known fact or a known reality?
30. Does the teacher fail to teach the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ?
31. Is the teacher unrighteous, unlawful or immoral?
32. Does the teacher's knowledge conflict with his behavior?
33. Does the teacher's beliefs and actions appear to be without a "good sense" basis?
34. Does the teacher's teachings lead to wickedness or evil?
35. Is the teacher proud, showing a high opinion of his own dignity, importance or superiority?
36. Does the teacher appear to "know nothing"?
37. Is the teacher excessively fond of questions, to show off his intelligence rather than God's glory?
38. Does the teacher vigorously focus on the words of his answers rather than the truth?
39. Does the teacher cause envy or jealousy among his students?
40. Does the teacher create bitter conflict or strife among his students?
41. Does the teacher create an air of evil suspiciousness around his students?
42. Does the teacher argue with other teachers, attempting to persuade with evil teachings?
43. Does the teacher think that numbers of students indicates the godliness and rightness of his teachings?
44. Does the teacher treat the students meanly, worthlessly, disgracefully or dishonorably?
7 BOUND BY TRADITIONS: Matt 15:9; Is 29:13; 2 Tim 4:4,5; Titus 1:10-12
45. Does the teacher worship God in vain (without real significance, value or importance)?
46. Does the teacher rely on tradition and rote, rather than the moving of the Holy Spirit?
47. Is the teacher bound by traditions claiming divine authority without documentary evidence?
48. Is the teacher's instruction based on myths and commandments of men rather than the truth?
49. Is the teacher an unruly, a vain talker or a deceiver?
50. Is the teacher unable to digest new knowledge because of laziness?
51. Does the teacher instruct for the sake of sordid gain?
52. Does the teacher attempt to undermine the teachings of the student's family?
53. Does the teacher demand isolation from family and friends?
8 UNSTABLE: 1 Tim 1:6-7
54. Does the teacher use idle talk and stray from sound doctrine?
55. Is the teacher unable to provide confirmation of his belief?
9 DECEITFUL: Eph 4:14
56. Does the teacher educate using different types of doctrine?
57. Does the teacher use trickery, the practice of deception, shrewdness or fraud to gain students?
58. Does the teacher use forms of dishonesty, underhandedness, misleading or false scheming to instruct the students?
10 LUSTFUL: 2 Pet 2:12-19; Phil 3:19; Jude 1:12; Rom 6:16
59. Does the teacher speak evil of the things he doesn't understand?
60. Is the teacher prone to corruption, bribery, swindling or dishonest dealings?
61. Does the teacher partake in carousing, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity or sensuality?
62. Is the teacher's character full of spots, stains and blemishes that he has tried to hide from others?
63. Does the teacher entice unstable souls?
64. Does the teacher follow the way of false gods?
65. Does the teacher have the presence but no message?
66. Does the teachers message change often?
67. Does the teacher manipulate, falsely flatter or entice lusts of the flesh?
68. Has the teacher been given knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, then turned his back on Him?
Remember, one "yes" answer to any of these questions proves that the teacher is a false teacher, and his instruction should be disregarded.
1. Grace-preventers' Gal 1:6-8
2. Money-lovers Luke 16:14
3. Christ-deniers 2 Pet 2:1
4. Truth-resistors 2 Tim 3:8
5. Fable-lovers 2 Tim 4:3,4
6. Destitute of truth 1 Tim 6:3-5
7. Bound by traditions Matt 15:9
8. Unstable 1 Tim 1:6,7
9. Deceitful Eph 4:14
10. Lustful 2 Pet 1:12-19
1. Does the teacher say that God does not love you?
2. Does the teacher say that God's love must be paid for by money or possessions?
3. Does the teacher say that God only loves you if you are deserving?
4. Does the teacher say that God is not compassionate toward man?
5. Does the teacher accuse or ridicule our God for a lack of tolerance or patience?
6. Does the teacher say that God has chosen him to control the direction of his follower's lives?
2 MONEY-LOVERS: Luke 16:14
7. Does the teacher pay closer attention to the ministry of ritual, rather than the ministry of love and mercy?
8. Does the teacher base his teaching on or place excessive worth on money?
9. Does the teacher encourage students to be superior to others?
10. Does the teacher sneer, ridicule or condemn followers of Jesus?
3 CHRIST-DENIERS: 2Pet 2:1; 1 Tim 4:1-5; James 3:17
11. Does the teacher act secretive with his knowledge and teach that events or happenings will occur at specific times that only he knows?
12. Does the teacher deny or reject Jesus or His gift of salvation?
13. Does the teacher speak of things that are not sanctified by the Word of God or your prayers?
14. Does the teacher focus on the earthly, natural, demonic life and exclude the wisdom that comes from Christ?
15. Are the teacher's teachings impure, chaotic, harsh, unreasonable, merciless, unstable, or hypocritical?
4 TRUTH-RESISTORS: 1 Tim 6:5; 2 Tim 3:8; Ex 7:11; Rom 1:28
16. Does the teacher appear evil, depraved, unprincipled or wicked?
17. Is the teacher immoral or cause his followers to be immoral?
18. Is the teacher rejected by God and beyond salvation?
19. Does the teacher use trickery, sorcery, magic or enchantment to sway his students?
20. Does the teacher challenge God to prove his authority and power?
21. Does the teacher lead his students into mental error or false judgment?
5 FABLE-LOVERS: 2 Tim 4:3, 4; 1 Tim 1:4
22. Does the teacher speculate rather than confirm?
23. Does the teacher focus on genealogies by tracing family descent?
24. Does the teacher's teachings involve supernatural or imaginary persons embodying popular ideas on natural or social phenomenon?
25. Does the teacher instruct on widely held, but false notions?
26. Does the teacher "tickle the ears" by telling his students what they want to hear?
27. Does the teacher use popular media, special effects or flair to entertain rather than teach the gospel?
28. Does the teacher use music, TV, movies or computers to snare his students?
29. Does the teacher distort the truth by disagreeing with a known fact or a known reality?
30. Does the teacher fail to teach the words of our Lord, Jesus Christ?
31. Is the teacher unrighteous, unlawful or immoral?
32. Does the teacher's knowledge conflict with his behavior?
33. Does the teacher's beliefs and actions appear to be without a "good sense" basis?
34. Does the teacher's teachings lead to wickedness or evil?
35. Is the teacher proud, showing a high opinion of his own dignity, importance or superiority?
36. Does the teacher appear to "know nothing"?
37. Is the teacher excessively fond of questions, to show off his intelligence rather than God's glory?
38. Does the teacher vigorously focus on the words of his answers rather than the truth?
39. Does the teacher cause envy or jealousy among his students?
40. Does the teacher create bitter conflict or strife among his students?
41. Does the teacher create an air of evil suspiciousness around his students?
42. Does the teacher argue with other teachers, attempting to persuade with evil teachings?
43. Does the teacher think that numbers of students indicates the godliness and rightness of his teachings?
44. Does the teacher treat the students meanly, worthlessly, disgracefully or dishonorably?
7 BOUND BY TRADITIONS: Matt 15:9; Is 29:13; 2 Tim 4:4,5; Titus 1:10-12
45. Does the teacher worship God in vain (without real significance, value or importance)?
46. Does the teacher rely on tradition and rote, rather than the moving of the Holy Spirit?
47. Is the teacher bound by traditions claiming divine authority without documentary evidence?
48. Is the teacher's instruction based on myths and commandments of men rather than the truth?
49. Is the teacher an unruly, a vain talker or a deceiver?
50. Is the teacher unable to digest new knowledge because of laziness?
51. Does the teacher instruct for the sake of sordid gain?
52. Does the teacher attempt to undermine the teachings of the student's family?
53. Does the teacher demand isolation from family and friends?
8 UNSTABLE: 1 Tim 1:6-7
54. Does the teacher use idle talk and stray from sound doctrine?
55. Is the teacher unable to provide confirmation of his belief?
9 DECEITFUL: Eph 4:14
56. Does the teacher educate using different types of doctrine?
57. Does the teacher use trickery, the practice of deception, shrewdness or fraud to gain students?
58. Does the teacher use forms of dishonesty, underhandedness, misleading or false scheming to instruct the students?
10 LUSTFUL: 2 Pet 2:12-19; Phil 3:19; Jude 1:12; Rom 6:16
59. Does the teacher speak evil of the things he doesn't understand?
60. Is the teacher prone to corruption, bribery, swindling or dishonest dealings?
61. Does the teacher partake in carousing, drunkenness, sexual promiscuity or sensuality?
62. Is the teacher's character full of spots, stains and blemishes that he has tried to hide from others?
63. Does the teacher entice unstable souls?
64. Does the teacher follow the way of false gods?
65. Does the teacher have the presence but no message?
66. Does the teachers message change often?
67. Does the teacher manipulate, falsely flatter or entice lusts of the flesh?
68. Has the teacher been given knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ, then turned his back on Him?
Remember, one "yes" answer to any of these questions proves that the teacher is a false teacher, and his instruction should be disregarded.
Just the Two of Us
I first met her in high school. She was older than I was and exciting. She’d been around. My parents warned me to have nothing to do with her. They claimed that no good could come from our relationship.
But I kept meeting her on the sly. She was so sophisticated and worldly. It made me feel grown up just being with her. It was fun to take her to a party in those days. She was almost always the center of attention.
We began seeing more of each other after I started college. When I got a place of my own, she was a frequent guest. It wasn’t long before she moved in with me. It may have been common law, but it was heartbreaking for my parents. I kept reminding myself I wasn’t a kid anymore. Besides, it was legal.
We lived together right through college and into my early days in business. I seldom went anywhere without her, but I wasn’t blind. I knew she was unfaithful to me. What’s worse, I didn’t care. As long as she was there for me when I needed her (and she always was), it didn’t matter.
The longer we lived together, the more attached I became to her. But it wasn’t mutual. She began to delight in making me look foolish in front of my friends. But I still couldn’t give her up.
It became a love/hate relationship. I figured out that her glamour was nothing more than a cheap mask to hide her spite and cynicism behind. I could no longer see her beauty after I came to know her true character.
But old habits are hard to break. We had invested many years in each other. Even though my relationship with her made me lose a little respect for myself, she had become the center of my life. We didn’t go anywhere. We didn’t do anything. We didn’t have friends over. It was just the two of us. I became deeply depressed and knew that she was largely responsible for my misery. I finally told her I was leaving her for good. It took a lot of guts, but I left.
I still see her around. She’s still as beautiful as when we first met. I miss her now and then. I’m not boasting when I say she’d take me back in a minute. But by the grace of God, I will never take up with her again.
PS. If you see her, just give her my regards. I don’t hate her. I just loved her too much.
Chances are you know her family.
The name’s Alcohol.
But I kept meeting her on the sly. She was so sophisticated and worldly. It made me feel grown up just being with her. It was fun to take her to a party in those days. She was almost always the center of attention.
We began seeing more of each other after I started college. When I got a place of my own, she was a frequent guest. It wasn’t long before she moved in with me. It may have been common law, but it was heartbreaking for my parents. I kept reminding myself I wasn’t a kid anymore. Besides, it was legal.
We lived together right through college and into my early days in business. I seldom went anywhere without her, but I wasn’t blind. I knew she was unfaithful to me. What’s worse, I didn’t care. As long as she was there for me when I needed her (and she always was), it didn’t matter.
The longer we lived together, the more attached I became to her. But it wasn’t mutual. She began to delight in making me look foolish in front of my friends. But I still couldn’t give her up.
It became a love/hate relationship. I figured out that her glamour was nothing more than a cheap mask to hide her spite and cynicism behind. I could no longer see her beauty after I came to know her true character.
But old habits are hard to break. We had invested many years in each other. Even though my relationship with her made me lose a little respect for myself, she had become the center of my life. We didn’t go anywhere. We didn’t do anything. We didn’t have friends over. It was just the two of us. I became deeply depressed and knew that she was largely responsible for my misery. I finally told her I was leaving her for good. It took a lot of guts, but I left.
I still see her around. She’s still as beautiful as when we first met. I miss her now and then. I’m not boasting when I say she’d take me back in a minute. But by the grace of God, I will never take up with her again.
PS. If you see her, just give her my regards. I don’t hate her. I just loved her too much.
Chances are you know her family.
The name’s Alcohol.
I'M NOT WORTHY… (He isn’t through with me yet)
My dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, you and I have an immeasurable privilege and responsibility to bear the name of Christ in a worthy manner. This was a consistent theme throughout Paul’s epistles.
To the Ephesians he wrote, “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:1–3.
To the Philippians he said, “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ . . . standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; in no way alarmed by your opponents” Philippians 1:27–28.
And to the Colossians he wrote, “That you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might” Colossians 1:10–11.
Each of those passages gives us some insight into the particulars of a worthy walk, a life we should strive to follow and characteristics we should ask God to make prevalent in all our lives.
The following is a New Testament list of all that is encompassed in a worthy walk:
• Humility Eph. 4:23
• Purity Rom. 13:13
• Contentment 1 Cor. 7:17
• Faith 2 Cor. 5:7
• Righteousness Eph. 2:10
• Unity Phil. 1:27
• Gentleness Eph. 4:2
• Patience Col. 1:11
• Love Eph. 5:23
• Joy Col. 1:11
• Thankfulness Col. 1:3
• Light Eph. 5:8–9
• Knowledge Col. 1:10
• Wisdom Eph. 5:15–16
• Truth 3 John 3–4
• Fruitfulness Col. 1:10
If you truly belong to Christ, you ought to walk as He walked 1 John 2:6.
To the Ephesians he wrote, “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:1–3.
To the Philippians he said, “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ . . . standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel; in no way alarmed by your opponents” Philippians 1:27–28.
And to the Colossians he wrote, “That you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might” Colossians 1:10–11.
Each of those passages gives us some insight into the particulars of a worthy walk, a life we should strive to follow and characteristics we should ask God to make prevalent in all our lives.
The following is a New Testament list of all that is encompassed in a worthy walk:
• Humility Eph. 4:23
• Purity Rom. 13:13
• Contentment 1 Cor. 7:17
• Faith 2 Cor. 5:7
• Righteousness Eph. 2:10
• Unity Phil. 1:27
• Gentleness Eph. 4:2
• Patience Col. 1:11
• Love Eph. 5:23
• Joy Col. 1:11
• Thankfulness Col. 1:3
• Light Eph. 5:8–9
• Knowledge Col. 1:10
• Wisdom Eph. 5:15–16
• Truth 3 John 3–4
• Fruitfulness Col. 1:10
If you truly belong to Christ, you ought to walk as He walked 1 John 2:6.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Address Your Stress (Causes & Cures)
25 Causes of Stress
1. Prayerlessness; lack of "quiet time"
2. Ignorance of God 's Word & His promises
3. Poor nutrition and lack of rest/exercise
4. Undesirable living space/cluttered environment
5. Workplace issues (office politics, peer conflicts; incompetent subordinates; problematic bosses)
6. Obsessing over weight or personal appearance
7. Associating with argumentative, frustrating, negative people
8. Competing; keeping up with the Joneses
9. Envy; viewing someone's success as your failure
10. Inflexibility; inability to accept change
11. Failure to delegate tasks; being a control freak
12. Failure to distinguish between "important" vs. "urgent" tasks
13. Seeking perfection
14. Sweating the small stuff (bad drivers, rude clerks, put downs, etc.)
15. Unrealistic expectations of yourself or others
16. Unresolved interpersonal conflicts; silent treatment
17. Failure to establish boundaries or to communicate your preferences
18. Poor financial management; past due bills
19. Poor time management; failure to plan for unexpected events
20. Guilt; refusing to apologize
21. Allowing others to "push your buttons"
22. Undue concern about the opinions of others; fear of rejection
23. Saying yes when you want to say no
24. Over extending yourself; too many commitments
25. Swallowing your anger
25 Cures for Stress
1. Make and keep a daily appointment with God.
2. Recite Scriptural affirmations daily (e.g. "This is working for my good…"; "I am more than a conqueror…")
3. Remind yourself that God has sealed your destiny; therefore, no one can thwart His plans for you.
4. Tell the truth; do right; wrongdoing causes stress.
5. Extend grace, mercy, and generosity to others.
6. Respect other people's opinion; refuse to argue about anything that does not personally impact your life.
7. Chose one day of the week to enjoy real food; no "light", "non-fat" or "low-carb" stuff.
8. Admit your mistakes, faults and failures (people connect with you better when they see your vulnerability).
9. Express your boundaries, desires, and preferences - in a calm, non-hostile manner.
10. Take the "high road" in conflicts; humble yourself.
11. Learn from the burn, but forgive to live.
12. Hug your loved ones (or somebody) daily; show and accept affection.
13. Let go of what you can't control (events, other people's behavior); control what you can (your response).
14. "Fast" from complaining, criticizing, and cussing.
15. Delay material gratification; practice spending less or spending later.
16. Accept your unchangeable physical features as God's special "branding" for His purpose.
17. Laugh often-especially at yourself.
18. Prepare and follow a prioritized "to do" list; limit tasks to 3-4 per day.
19. Applaud someone's success; don't hate-congratulate, appreciate, emulate!
20. Slow the pace at which you talk and move.
21. Minimize the consumption of "white" foods (sugar, flour, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.) and caffeine
22. Stop using stress-related phrases ("run to the store", "grab a bite", "jump in the shower", etc.).
23. Breathe deeply & slowly (10 breaths) at least five times a day - preferably outdoors.
24. Use "waiting in line" time productively (take a mental time-out; tighten your muscles, memorize a Scripture).
25. Do some form of exercise daily (walking, stair climbing, (at least a few minutes).
Thank you so much sister Deborah Smith Pegues for coming up with such a blessing way for us all to address our stress. I pray the Lord continue to bless your gifts, talents and ministries abundantly. PS. It’s official; I now own a copy of all your books. Thanks!
1. Prayerlessness; lack of "quiet time"
2. Ignorance of God 's Word & His promises
3. Poor nutrition and lack of rest/exercise
4. Undesirable living space/cluttered environment
5. Workplace issues (office politics, peer conflicts; incompetent subordinates; problematic bosses)
6. Obsessing over weight or personal appearance
7. Associating with argumentative, frustrating, negative people
8. Competing; keeping up with the Joneses
9. Envy; viewing someone's success as your failure
10. Inflexibility; inability to accept change
11. Failure to delegate tasks; being a control freak
12. Failure to distinguish between "important" vs. "urgent" tasks
13. Seeking perfection
14. Sweating the small stuff (bad drivers, rude clerks, put downs, etc.)
15. Unrealistic expectations of yourself or others
16. Unresolved interpersonal conflicts; silent treatment
17. Failure to establish boundaries or to communicate your preferences
18. Poor financial management; past due bills
19. Poor time management; failure to plan for unexpected events
20. Guilt; refusing to apologize
21. Allowing others to "push your buttons"
22. Undue concern about the opinions of others; fear of rejection
23. Saying yes when you want to say no
24. Over extending yourself; too many commitments
25. Swallowing your anger
25 Cures for Stress
1. Make and keep a daily appointment with God.
2. Recite Scriptural affirmations daily (e.g. "This is working for my good…"; "I am more than a conqueror…")
3. Remind yourself that God has sealed your destiny; therefore, no one can thwart His plans for you.
4. Tell the truth; do right; wrongdoing causes stress.
5. Extend grace, mercy, and generosity to others.
6. Respect other people's opinion; refuse to argue about anything that does not personally impact your life.
7. Chose one day of the week to enjoy real food; no "light", "non-fat" or "low-carb" stuff.
8. Admit your mistakes, faults and failures (people connect with you better when they see your vulnerability).
9. Express your boundaries, desires, and preferences - in a calm, non-hostile manner.
10. Take the "high road" in conflicts; humble yourself.
11. Learn from the burn, but forgive to live.
12. Hug your loved ones (or somebody) daily; show and accept affection.
13. Let go of what you can't control (events, other people's behavior); control what you can (your response).
14. "Fast" from complaining, criticizing, and cussing.
15. Delay material gratification; practice spending less or spending later.
16. Accept your unchangeable physical features as God's special "branding" for His purpose.
17. Laugh often-especially at yourself.
18. Prepare and follow a prioritized "to do" list; limit tasks to 3-4 per day.
19. Applaud someone's success; don't hate-congratulate, appreciate, emulate!
20. Slow the pace at which you talk and move.
21. Minimize the consumption of "white" foods (sugar, flour, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.) and caffeine
22. Stop using stress-related phrases ("run to the store", "grab a bite", "jump in the shower", etc.).
23. Breathe deeply & slowly (10 breaths) at least five times a day - preferably outdoors.
24. Use "waiting in line" time productively (take a mental time-out; tighten your muscles, memorize a Scripture).
25. Do some form of exercise daily (walking, stair climbing, (at least a few minutes).
Thank you so much sister Deborah Smith Pegues for coming up with such a blessing way for us all to address our stress. I pray the Lord continue to bless your gifts, talents and ministries abundantly. PS. It’s official; I now own a copy of all your books. Thanks!
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About Me

- J.A. Vazquez
- I'm just a nobody, trying to tell everybody about Somebody who can save anybody. I give all honor to the Father for the privilege of being His instrument, through whom He lives and works for His glory alone. I served in the U.S. Navy for 21 years, retiring in September 2003. In my final three years, I was co-pastor at Greater New Refuge COGIC in Fallon, Nevada, under Pastor Gregory L. Brown. I supported my pastor and church by helping with a new sanctuary's construction and caring for all ministry needs while staying true to my mandate to preach the Word of God without compromise. In November 2002, I was licensed to preach and ordained in June 2003. While stationed in Virginia Beach, I served at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church for 17 years under Bishop-Elect W.D. Scott, Sr., and now I serve at Calvary Revival Church in Norfolk, VA, under Bishop B. Courtney McBath. I also earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Religion from Saint Leo University, deepening my foundation and commitment to this path of faith.
It brings to my face a unadulterated smile each and every occasion I am asked, “Elder Dre, What Theological Training do you have?”
My heart beams with joy at the opportunity to humbly give full glory to God as I reflect on on how the prophets, patriarchs and apostles of old would have respond: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, King David, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Matthew, Mark, Peter, James, John and the other disciples, not forgetting the Saviour Himself.
How would they have answered the question: “What theological training do you have?”
The words of the prophet Amos also came to mind: “Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:” Amos 7:14
I surely am not impliedly decrying theological preparation, education or training: I consider it essential, but not as much as some think. For the fact is, the Almighty raises up believers according to His own standards.
Educational qualifications, wealth, fame, talent, social standing, outward appearance etc. are useful; but they are secondary in His sight. Qualities like faith, obedience, holiness, humility, honesty, absolute loyalty to one’s spouse, the ability to raise one’s family to fear God and keep His commandments etc.; these are the things the Most High values.
“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Only on the Day of Judgment will it be known how truly educated, weighty and effective I have been. That is why I have to smile when the question arise.
The vanity of the question is only matched by the foolishness of my answer.
As the wise man wrote: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1: 2 or as the apostle Paul commented in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 when rattling off a long list of impressive qualifications “... I speak as a fool.”
My heart beams with joy at the opportunity to humbly give full glory to God as I reflect on on how the prophets, patriarchs and apostles of old would have respond: Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, King David, Elijah, Elisha, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Matthew, Mark, Peter, James, John and the other disciples, not forgetting the Saviour Himself.
How would they have answered the question: “What theological training do you have?”
The words of the prophet Amos also came to mind: “Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet’s son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit:” Amos 7:14
I surely am not impliedly decrying theological preparation, education or training: I consider it essential, but not as much as some think. For the fact is, the Almighty raises up believers according to His own standards.
Educational qualifications, wealth, fame, talent, social standing, outward appearance etc. are useful; but they are secondary in His sight. Qualities like faith, obedience, holiness, humility, honesty, absolute loyalty to one’s spouse, the ability to raise one’s family to fear God and keep His commandments etc.; these are the things the Most High values.
“Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Only on the Day of Judgment will it be known how truly educated, weighty and effective I have been. That is why I have to smile when the question arise.
The vanity of the question is only matched by the foolishness of my answer.
As the wise man wrote: “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher; all is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 1: 2 or as the apostle Paul commented in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 when rattling off a long list of impressive qualifications “... I speak as a fool.”
Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. All who proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. 1 John 4:14-15 (NLT)
I am a preacher, but most of all, I proclaim that Jesus is the Savior with various applications of that truth in my everyday life. My dear friend, if you are a Christian, you are a preacher also. Whether you have been ordained or not, hired by a church or not, or ever been recognized as a preacher or not is beside the point. All who have God living in them are called to proclaim the Savior to the world. It is a Holy calling, and a demanding one. It will pull you out of your comfort zone, challenge your commitment, and help to develop you into the person God has created you to be.
John spoke as an eyewitness to Jesus' saving power. We speak as heart-witnesses; ones who have not seen Jesus with our eyes, but have experienced Him through personal transformation. I speak, and you speak, as a representative of Christ on earth. The message that we bring is simple, yet profound; that God the Father sent God the Son into the world to save those who are lost to bring them into relationship with Him. As you tell the story, and I tell the story, some will listen and receive the grace that God has sent us into the world to proclaim.
PRAYER THOUGHT: Father, what a privilege to be a spokesperson for You.